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FAST Spectrograph

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Program Number
Program Name Mapping the Matter Distribution in the Universe                    
Margaret Geller, Dan Fabricant [email]  [web]  
Co-Investigator(s) Michael Kurtz, Ian Dell`Antonio (Brown), Massimo Ramella (Trieste)


We request 1.7 nights (1.5 hours per night for 9 nights May 1-May 8) to measure redshifts for 45 bright galaxies in the Deep Lens Survey field. These redshifts complete the survey for R < 16.0. These redshifts will be important for computing mass-to-light ratios of the nearest systems in the survey. The contribute to having the cleanest possible sample for comparing the light distribution marked by galaxies with the mass distribution revealed by the Deep Lens Survey of the region.
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Trimester(s) data taken 2005c

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Last modified on 03/14/2025 23:58:03
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