Number | Name | P.I. |
56 | Spectrophotometric Standards | All |
57 | Velocity Standards | All |
61 | Luminosity Standards | All |
0 | Calibrations | All |
63 | Orion OB Extinction | Adams |
146 | SIRTF Shallow Survey | Ashby |
115 | Pre Main Sequence | Balog |
156 | Spectroscopy of pre-main sequence stars in the Cepheus flare region | Balog |
48 | Hercules Supercluster | Barmby |
33 | Compact Groups | Barton |
73 | Close Pairs of Galaxies | Barton |
39 | Dwarf Nova Observations | Berlind |
111 | Seyfert Galaxies | Boyer |
83 | Persei Mass Function | Bragg/Kenyon |
66 | Borosun-Green Vector | Brandt/Wilkes |
38 | Taurus Low Mass PMS | Briceno |
114 | Galaxy Luminosity Func | Brown |
118 | UV Galaxies | Brown |
10 | M67 Spectrum | Caldwell |
139 | Line Strength Gradients in M32 | Caldwell |
140 | Star Forming Disk Galaxies in Clusters | Caldwell |
89 | Herbig NeBe Spectrals (Ae/Be Stars) | Calvet |
75 | Local Density Function | Carter |
170 | Accretion Signatures and Cluster Membership in h & chi Persei | Currie |
22 | Poor Clusters | Dell'Antonio |
99 | Other | Director |
8 | QSO ID's | Dobrzycki |
147 | AGN Solutions | Elvis |
90 | Ho IX Emission Shell | Eriksen |
4 | Field Galaxy Survey | Fabricant |
163 | Mapping Matter Distribution in the Universe | Geller,Fabricant |
31 | Gravitational Lenses | Falco |
41 | Faint Radio Sources | Falco |
84 | Updated Zwicky Completion | Falco |
87 | Spectral Types of Candidate Celestial Calibrators of IRAC | Fazio |
113 | Interacting Galaxies | Freedman/Geller |
154 | Pre-Main Sequence Lynd 1340 | Furesz |
65 | X-ray Novae | Garcia |
107 | Micro-Quasar CI Cam | Garcia |
3 | 15R Redshifts | Geller |
5 | 3C373 Survey | Geller |
55 | Edge-On Galaxy Survey | Geller |
60 | CfA Redshift Completion | Geller |
64 | Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations | Rines/Geller |
160 | 2MASS Abell Cluster Survey | Geller |
163 | Mapping Matter Distribution in the Universe | Geller,Fabricant |
37 | Power of Polarization | Goodman |
32 | Carbon Stars | Green |
79 | White Dwarves | Green |
106 | White Dwarfs | Green |
129 | FAST spectra of Bright CHAMP Sources | Green |
42 | Morphology-Density Reln | Grogin |
116 | Dwarf Novae | Groot |
121 | U Gem Outburst Accretion Disk Spiral Arm | Groot |
131 | Faint Sky Visibility Survey | Groot |
132 | HST FGS reference Stars | Groot |
102 | Taurus PMS Candidates | Hartmann |
1 | Redshift Survey | Huchra |
25 | K band LF | Huchra |
53 | Faint CfA Survey Galaxies | Huchra |
91 | Supernova Host Galaxies | Jha/Garnavich |
134 | OGLE_Transiting_Planets | Jha |
143 | Fastest Be/X-Ray Pulsar | Kaaret |
100 | BG Geminorum Orbit | Kenyon |
135 | Starburst Galaxies in the UZC | Kewley |
52 | Xray Selected Quasars | Kim |
58 | X-ray Peculiar Objects | Kim |
88 | LMF of Galaxies | Kochanek |
35 | Poor Cluster Kinematics | Koranyi |
69 | QSO Emission and Continuum | Kuraszkiewicz |
151 | AGN Emission Line Regions | Landt |
161 | FRI/FRII Radio Galaxy Morphology Dichotomy | Landt |
11 | A Star Velocities | Latham |
128 | A Search for Nearby Young Associations | Luhman |
136 | Low-mass Members of Taurus and IC 348 | Luhman |
46 | Solar System Objects | Luu |
59 | X-ray Groups | Mahdahvi |
77 | Radial Velocity Observations of 4U 1907+09 | McClintock |
104 | Radial Velocity Observations of 4U 1907+09 | McClintock |
23 | HST Snapshot Survey | McDowell |
78 | Hectospec Red Spectra | Mink |
82 | PMS G Stars Spect Types | Muzerolle |
103 | CaII IR Triplet | Muzerolle |
167 | Homogeneous [OIII] Measurements for HBLR and non-HBLR Seyfert 2s | Nicastro |
123 | Membership and Coronal Activity on NGC2232 | Patten |
40 | RXJ0635.0+2231 | Plucinsky |
54 | Open Cluster NGC 2232 | Prosser |
21 | CfA Rich Groups | Ramella |
51 | HH Objects | Raymond |
67 | Interstellar Shocks | Raymond |
64 | Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations | Rines/Geller |
50 | Bright ROSAT IDs | Schlegel |
98 | Gravity Probe B Guide Stars | Shapiro |
127 | Star Formation and Disk Evolution of Cep OB2 | Sicilia-Aguilar, A. |
137 | A Study of Intermediate-Mass Stars in NGC 7160 | Sicilia-Aguilar, A. |
85 | F-M Giant HK | Soon |
173 | Small Solar System Bodies | Spahr |
56 | Spectrophotometric Stds | Staff |
57 | Velocity Standards | Staff |
126 | Spectra of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows | Stanek |
144 | AM CVn | Steeghs |
169 | Properties of Halo RR Lyrae | Stubbs |
145 | Dynamics of "tadpole" cluster A2384 | Sun |
155 | Cygnus Shocks | Szentgyorgyi |
76 | Orion TTS | Torres |
101 | Absolute dimensions of Cool Algols | Torres |
81 | Abell 1644 Redshifts | Tustin |
130 | FAST spectra of Solar System Objects | Traub |
80 | Isolated Over-Luminous Elliptical Galaxies | Vikhlinin |
150 | Distant Cluster Survey | Vikhlinin |
86 | Her X-1/HZ Her | Vrtilek |
133 | Markarian 421 | Weekes/Schroedter |
6 | AGN Watch | Wilkes |
7 | QSO Continuum | Wilkes |
16 | Rosat QSO | Wilkes |
45 | PG Quasars | Wilkes |
49 | ISO Quasars | Wilkes |
66 | Borosun-Green Vector | Brandt/Wilkes |
71 | Brown Dwarfs Sigma Orioni | Wolk |
109 | ROSAT Orion PMS Stars | Wolk |
110 | MBM12 | Wolk |
158 | Supernova Host Galaxy Redshifts | Wood-Vasey |
120 | Xray emitting IRAS sources | Zezas |
124 | Optical Spectroscopy of COLA North Galaxies | Zezas |
125 | Optical Spectroscopy of hard Xray selected objects | Zezas |