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FAST Spectrograph

FAST Spectrograph
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FAST Spectrum

56Spectrophotometric StandardsAll
57Velocity StandardsAll
61Luminosity StandardsAll
63Orion OB ExtinctionAdams
146SIRTF Shallow SurveyAshby
115Pre Main SequenceBalog
156Spectroscopy of pre-main sequence stars in the Cepheus flare regionBalog
48Hercules SuperclusterBarmby
33Compact GroupsBarton
73Close Pairs of GalaxiesBarton
39Dwarf Nova ObservationsBerlind
111Seyfert GalaxiesBoyer
83Persei Mass FunctionBragg/Kenyon
66Borosun-Green VectorBrandt/Wilkes
38Taurus Low Mass PMSBriceno
114Galaxy Luminosity FuncBrown
118UV GalaxiesBrown
10M67 SpectrumCaldwell
139Line Strength Gradients in M32Caldwell
140Star Forming Disk Galaxies in ClustersCaldwell
89Herbig NeBe Spectrals (Ae/Be Stars)Calvet
75Local Density FunctionCarter
170Accretion Signatures and Cluster Membership in h & chi PerseiCurrie
22Poor ClustersDell'Antonio
8QSO ID'sDobrzycki
147AGN SolutionsElvis
90Ho IX Emission ShellEriksen
4Field Galaxy SurveyFabricant
163Mapping Matter Distribution in the UniverseGeller,Fabricant
31Gravitational LensesFalco
41Faint Radio SourcesFalco
84Updated Zwicky CompletionFalco
87Spectral Types of Candidate Celestial Calibrators of IRACFazio
113Interacting GalaxiesFreedman/Geller
154Pre-Main Sequence Lynd 1340Furesz
65X-ray NovaeGarcia
107Micro-Quasar CI CamGarcia
315R RedshiftsGeller
53C373 SurveyGeller
55Edge-On Galaxy SurveyGeller
60CfA Redshift CompletionGeller
64Galaxy Cluster Scaling RelationsRines/Geller
1602MASS Abell Cluster SurveyGeller
163Mapping Matter Distribution in the UniverseGeller,Fabricant
37Power of PolarizationGoodman
32Carbon StarsGreen
79White DwarvesGreen
106White DwarfsGreen
129FAST spectra of Bright CHAMP SourcesGreen
42Morphology-Density RelnGrogin
116Dwarf NovaeGroot
121U Gem Outburst Accretion Disk Spiral ArmGroot
131Faint Sky Visibility SurveyGroot
132HST FGS reference StarsGroot
102Taurus PMS CandidatesHartmann
1Redshift SurveyHuchra
25K band LFHuchra
53Faint CfA Survey GalaxiesHuchra
91Supernova Host GalaxiesJha/Garnavich
143Fastest Be/X-Ray PulsarKaaret
100BG Geminorum OrbitKenyon
135Starburst Galaxies in the UZCKewley
52Xray Selected QuasarsKim
58X-ray Peculiar ObjectsKim
88LMF of GalaxiesKochanek
35Poor Cluster KinematicsKoranyi
69QSO Emission and ContinuumKuraszkiewicz
151AGN Emission Line RegionsLandt
161FRI/FRII Radio Galaxy Morphology DichotomyLandt
11A Star VelocitiesLatham
128A Search for Nearby Young AssociationsLuhman
136Low-mass Members of Taurus and IC 348Luhman
46Solar System ObjectsLuu
59X-ray GroupsMahdahvi
77Radial Velocity Observations of 4U 1907+09McClintock
104Radial Velocity Observations of 4U 1907+09McClintock
23HST Snapshot SurveyMcDowell
78Hectospec Red SpectraMink
82PMS G Stars Spect TypesMuzerolle
103CaII IR TripletMuzerolle
167Homogeneous [OIII] Measurements for HBLR and non-HBLR Seyfert 2sNicastro
123Membership and Coronal Activity on NGC2232Patten
54Open Cluster NGC 2232Prosser
21CfA Rich GroupsRamella
51HH ObjectsRaymond
67Interstellar ShocksRaymond
64Galaxy Cluster Scaling RelationsRines/Geller
50Bright ROSAT IDsSchlegel
98Gravity Probe B Guide StarsShapiro
127Star Formation and Disk Evolution of Cep OB2Sicilia-Aguilar, A.
137A Study of Intermediate-Mass Stars in NGC 7160Sicilia-Aguilar, A.
85F-M Giant HKSoon
173Small Solar System BodiesSpahr
56Spectrophotometric StdsStaff
57Velocity StandardsStaff
126Spectra of Gamma-Ray Burst AfterglowsStanek
144AM CVnSteeghs
169Properties of Halo RR LyraeStubbs
145Dynamics of "tadpole" cluster A2384Sun
155Cygnus ShocksSzentgyorgyi
76Orion TTSTorres
101Absolute dimensions of Cool AlgolsTorres
81Abell 1644 RedshiftsTustin
130FAST spectra of Solar System ObjectsTraub
80Isolated Over-Luminous Elliptical GalaxiesVikhlinin
150Distant Cluster SurveyVikhlinin
86Her X-1/HZ HerVrtilek
133Markarian 421Weekes/Schroedter
6AGN WatchWilkes
7QSO ContinuumWilkes
16Rosat QSOWilkes
45PG QuasarsWilkes
49ISO QuasarsWilkes
66Borosun-Green VectorBrandt/Wilkes
71Brown Dwarfs Sigma OrioniWolk
109ROSAT Orion PMS StarsWolk
158Supernova Host Galaxy RedshiftsWood-Vasey
120Xray emitting IRAS sourcesZezas
124Optical Spectroscopy of COLA North GalaxiesZezas
125Optical Spectroscopy of hard Xray selected objectsZezas
Last modified on 03/15/2025 00:53:14
Comments or Questions? Contact Jessica Mink