List TRESPLOT parameter values with brief descriptionsDisplay the current values of the task parameters including the brief description from the parameter file in home$uparm/.> tresplot lpar spectra = "T0219751469_2020-03-02_12h21m31s_cb.spec.fits" RFN or file order = "1" Spectrum order(s) to plot (specdir = "") Directory for spectrum to plot (ablines = "") File of absorption lines to label (emlines = "treslines.dat") File of emission lines to label (emcombine = "") File of emission lines to label (fixbad = yes) Remove bad lines (yes or no) (badlines = "badtreslines.dat") File of bad lines to remove (linedir = "tres$lib/") Directory for lines to label (nsmooth = 0) Number of times to smooth spectrum (logfiles = "STDOUT,tresplot.log") List of log files (debug = no) Run EMSAO in debugging mode (yes or no) (mode = "ql") List TRESPLOT parameter valuesDisplay the current values of the task parameters in a format which can be read back into the task inside IRAF.> tresplot dpar trsplot.spectra = "T0219751469_2020-03-02_12h21m31s_cb.spec.fits" trsplot.order = "1" trsplot.specdir = "" trsplot.ablines = "" trsplot.emlines = "treslines.dat" trsplot.emcombine = "" trsplot.fixbad = yes trsplot.badlines = "badtreslines.dat" trsplot.linedir = "tres$lib/" trsplot.nsmooth = 0 trsplot.logfiles = "STDOUT,tresplot.log" trsplot.debug = no trsplot.mode = "ql" # EOF Edit TRESPLOT parametersParameter values used by tresplot can be edited using the IRAF eparam task. Edit commands can emulate vi or emacs, depending on the setting in the user's file.> tresplot epar I R A F Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = tres TASK = trsplot spectra = T0219751469_2020-03-02_12h21m31s_cb.spec.fits RFN or file order = 1 Spectrum order(s) to plot (specdir= ) Directory for spectrum to plot (ablines= ) File of absorption lines to label (emlines= treslines.dat) File of emission lines to label (emcombi= ) File of emission lines to label (fixbad = yes) Remove bad lines (yes or no) (badline= badtreslines.dat) File of bad lines to remove (linedir= tres$lib/) Directory for lines to label (nsmooth= 0) Number of times to smooth spectrum (logfile= STDOUT,tresplot.log) List of log files (debug = no) Run EMSAO in debugging mode (yes or no) (mode = ql) |