RVSAO -- An IRAF package to obtain radial velocities from spectra The package RVSAO defined in this directory was developed by Doug Mink at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics from the redshift package originally written by Gerard Kriss at Johns Hopkins University and modified significantly by Steve Levine at the University of Wisconsin. It obtains radial velocities and velocity dispersions using cross-correlation methods, emission line fits, or the Fourier quotient technique. It consists of three tasks: XCSAO, EMSAO, and FQUOT. If you have any problems, please contact Doug Mink, mink@cfa.harvard.edu. FQUOT, in particular, comes with no guarantees, as we have not tested it much. This package has not been tested on a VMS system. A task, RELEARN, has been provided to aid in updating parameters. Run it instead of UNLEARN on each task you have already used if you wish to keep your current parameter settings. *************************************************************************** Version 1.8 adds the ability to use either EMSAO and XCSAO to display previous results saved in the image header. XCSAO has two final displays, the old one with both spectrum and correlation peak and complete per-template correlation data, and the EMSAO display with emission and absorption lines labelled. A quality flag can be set in the header from either final display in either XCSAO or EMSAO. If no correlation is done (correlation=no), only the final velocity information is rewritten by XCSAO. If no new line fit is done (linefit=no), EMSAO writes out only the final velocity information, not overwriting the per-line results. A new task, QPLOT, was added to check redshift results after batch runs. There were also many minor bug fixes. Version 1.7 adds continuum removal, explicit emission and rejection limits, and zero-padding as optional template header-parameter-directed operations. There have also been several improvements in handling multispec data. *** The boolean zero_pad parameter was changed to the character zeropad to allow zero-padding to be optionally controlled by the template spectrum header parameter ZEROPAD. *** czinit, which was a yes or no boolean in previous versions of RVSAO has become the character string parameter vel_init to allow an initial velocity to be set from the czguess parameter or from a previously-obtained correlation, emission, or combined velocity in the header. *** s_abs_reject, s_em_reject, t_abs_reject, and t_em_reject have been moved to XCSAO from CONTPARS as they are used to prepare spectra only for cross-correlation. Version 1.6 optionally displays the same summary in XCSAO as EMSAO and allows template-directed high-pass filtering in XCSAO. To enable this option, square-root cosine-bell filtering is now done to the object and template spectrum transforms rather than cosine-bell filtering the correlation. Version 1.5 writes more complete results from EMSAO and XCSAO to the image header. EMSAO gets larger emission line names and a parameter to specify the dispersion error, as well as a new summary page. XCSAO adds parameters to allow emission line chopping in XCSAO to be controlled by image header parameters, allowing emission line templates to be used, and adds optional zero-padding of transforms before cross-correlation to improve errors. Version 1.4 fixed many small bugs, but was never released ouside of SAO. Version 1.3 improved error handling and emission line manipulation and adds an option of editing the spectrum and rerunning correlations in XCSAO. A new task, zvel, was added to run both xcsao and emsao on a spectrum or list of spectra. Multispec spectrum handling is greatly improved. Version 1.2 fixed some bugs and improves handling of multispec spectra. Version 1.1 could read IRAF MWCS spectrum files as well as older formats. Version 1.02 cleaned up the lesser-used XCSAO reporting modes. Version 1.01 added an improved help file for EMSAO, including some hints on using cursor mode and fixed some bugs in cursor line identification. The heliocentric velocity correction was correctly applied. (Barycentric corrections from the image file header value have always worked. *************************************************************************** To install this package in your local IRAF system, take the following steps: 1) The package is distributed as a tar archive; IRAF is distributed with a tar reader. The tar archive may be obtained by magnetic tape or anonymous ftp. For magnetic tape go to step [2] and when reading the tar archive simply mount the tape and use the tape device name for the archive name in step [4]. To obtain the package via ftp (assuming a UNIX computer): % ftp cfa-ftp.harvard.edu [or] login: anonymous password: [your user name] ftp> cd pub/iraf ftp> get rvsao1.8.readme ftp> binary ftp> get rvsao1.8.tar.Z ftp> quit % ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxx Oct 6 xx:xx rvsao1.8.readme -rw-r--r-- 1 mink xxxxxx Oct 5 xx:xx rvsao1.8.tar.Z % 2) Create a directory to contain the RVSAO external package files. This directory should be outside the IRAF directory tree and must be owned by the IRAF account. In the following examples, this root directory is named usr1:[rvsao] (VMS) or /local/rvsao/ (UNIX). Make the appropriate file name substitutions for your site. 3) Log in as IRAF and edit the extern.pkg file in the hlib directory to define the package to the CL. From the IRAF account, outside the CL, you can move to this directory with the commands: $ set def irafhlib # VMS example % cd $hlib # UNIX example Define the environment variable rvsao to be the pathname to the rvsao root directory. The '$' character must be escaped in the VMS pathname; UNIX pathnames must be terminated with a '/'. Edit extern.pkg to include: reset rvsao = usr\$1:[rvsao] # VMS task rvsao.pkg = rvsao$rvsao.cl or reset rvsao = /local/rvsao/ # UNIX task rvsao.pkg = rvsao$rvsao.cl Near the end of the hlib$extern.pkg file, update the definition of helpdb so it includes the rvsao help database, copying the syntax already used in the string. Add this line before the line containing a closing quote: ,rvsao$lib/helpdb.mip\ 4) Add to hlib$clpackage.men the package description: rvsao - Radial velocity package from SAO 5) Unpack the tar file into the RVSAO root directory. On a UNIX system, where ftpdir is the pathname of the directory into which the package was ftp'ed and rvsao is the RVSAO root directory: % cd $rvsao % zcat $ftpdir/rvsao1.8.tar.Z | tar xvf - On a VMS system, Log into the CL from the IRAF account and unpack the archive file. Change directories to the RVSAO root directory created above and use 'rtar': cl> cd rvsao cl> softools cl> uncompress rvsao1.8.tar.Z cl> rtar -xrf where is the host name of the archive file or the IRAF tape device for tape distributions. On VMS systems, an error message will appear ("Copy 'bin.generic' to './bin fails") which can be ignored. Also on VMS systems, the four bin.'mach' directories created by rtar under [newimred.bin] can be deleted. The archive file can be deleted once the package has been successfully installed. 6) Restart IRAF and "cd rvsao". 7) Symbolically link the appropriate binary directory to bin. bin is originally linked to bin.generic for distribution. On a SPARCstation, cl> mkpkg sparc On a DECstation, cl> mkpkg ddec or cl> mkpkg dmip 8) Make the package by typing cl> mkpkg update >&spool The spool file should be reviewed upon completion to make sure there were no errors. 9) Up-to-date hypertext help is available on the World Wide Web at http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/oraf/rvsao/rvsao.html