linefile = "emtemp.dat" Filename with list of emission or absorption li
specfile = "emtemp2a" Filename for output created spectrum
(linedir = "") Directory for line list
(linewidth = 2.) HWHM of instrument resolution in Angstroms
(maxwidth = no) Use maximum of line or instrument width or conv
(zspec = 0.) Shift line centers to this dlambda/lambda super
(velspec = 0.) Shift line centers to this velocity
(continuum = 0.) Continuum level for created spectrum
(specname = "Emission Lines Inst 2A") Object name for created spectrum
(specdir = "") Directory for created spectrum
(st_lambda = 3000.) Starting wave length to save
(end_lambda = 8000.) Ending wave length to save
(pix_lambda = 0.25) Wavelength per pixel in Angstroms
(spec_plot = yes) True to plot the output spectrum
(spec_int = yes) True to interact with the output spectrum
(device = "stdgraph") Display device
(plotter = "stdplot") Hardcopy output device
(verbose = "yes") Print summary to log file (yes or not)
(logfiles = "STDOUT,linespec.log") List of log files
(debug = no) Displays intermediate results
(cursor = "") Graphics cursor input
(mode = "ql")
(flpar = no) flush pfile on assign?
[Example 1]
[linespec parameters]
[linespec procedure]