Cursor Commands in linespec

When the graphic cursor remains active in linespec after the template spectrum is plotted and labelled-- (spec_int = yes-- the following keystrokes may be used to redisplay the spectrum. In addition, the standard IRAF cursor facilities are available; a menu of them can be obtained by typing
Print list of cursor commands.
Print the X and Y coordinates of the current cursor position.
Replaces a region between the marked vertical cursors with interpolated values from the edges of the marked region. x can be used to cancel the first d.
Print a menu of these single-character cursor commands.
Leave plot and return to text terminal
Replot the current graph
Unzoom back to display of all data after a zoom command.
Cancel delete and zoom commands before second keystroke.
Replots the region of the spectrum in wavelength between successive uses. x can be used to cancel the first z.
Make hard copy of graph to plotter.
Print a menu of these single-character cursor commands.