MMT Observing Schedule
September-December 2007 (as of 12 October 2007)

MMT schedule for the Month of September 2007 (as of 12 October 2007)

August 2007 September October November December January 2008 PDF Programs Schedules Schedules@MMT
Date*    Day  Moon   Observer                f/5 Queue Obs      Instrument    f/5 Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program
1  (9.4)  S   -9.6   Shutdown                 ---              ---            ---          ---     ---        ---
2  (9.5)  S   -8.6   "                        ---              ---            ---          ---     ---        ---
3   "     M   -7.7   "                        ---              ---            ---          ---     ---        ---
4   "     T   -6.8   "                        ---              ---            ---          ---    McAfee      ---
5  (9.6)  W   -5.8   M&E                      ---              Red Channel    ---          f/9     "          M&E
6   "     Th  -4.9   Williams                 ---              "              ---          "       "          Director
7   "     F   -3.9   Vilas/Tegler             ---              "              ---          "       "          Director/UAO-S2
8  (9.7)  S   -3.0   "/"                      ---              "              ---          "       "          "/"
9   "     S   -2.0   "/"                      ---              "              ---          "       "          "/"
10  "     M   -1.1   "/"                      ---              "              ---          "       "          "/"
11 (9.8)  T   -0.1   Kirshner                 ---              Blue Channel   ---          "       Milone     SAO-18
12  "     W    0.8   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          "
13  "     Th   1.8   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          SAO-21
14 (9.9)  F    2.7   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          "
15  "     S    3.7   Yang,Zabludoff           ---              "              ---          "       "          UAO-S15
16  "     S    4.6   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          "
17 (10.0) M    5.6   Falco                    ---              "              ---          "       "          SAO-22
18  "     T    6.5   M&E                      ---              ---            ---          ---     Alegria    M&E
19  "     W    7.5   "                        ---              ---            ---          ---     "          "
20 (10.1) Th   8.4   "                        ---              ---            ---          f/15    "          "
21  "     F    9.4   McCarthy,Kulesa          ---              ARIES          ---          "       "          UAO-E22
22  "     S   10.3   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          "
23 (10.2) S   11.3   M&E/Greissl              ---              "              ---          "       "          M&E/UAO-S7
24  "     M   12.2   Greissl                  ---              "              ---          "       "          UAO-S7
25  "     T   13.2   Kenworthy                ---              CLIO           ---          "       McAfee     UAO-S17
26 (10.3) W  -13.9   Mamajek                  ---              "              ---          "       "          SAO-8
27  "     Th -12.9   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          "
28  "     F  -12.0   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          "
29 (10.4) S  -11.0   Apai                     ---              "              ---          "       "          UAO-S3
30  "     S  -10.1   "                        ---              "              ---          "       "          "
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: the MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of October 2007 (as of 12 October 2007)

August 2007 September October November December January 2008 PDF Programs Schedules Schedules@MMT
Date*    Day  Moon   Observer                 f/5 Queue Obs       Instrument     f/5 Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program
1  (10.4) M   -9.2   Lloyd-Hart              ---               LGS+PISCES     ---          f/15    McAfee     UAO-E21
2  (10.5) T   -8.2   "                       ---               "              ---          "       Milone     "
3   "     W   -7.3   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
4   "     Th  -6.3   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
5  (10.6) F   -5.4   Ashby/Holman            ---               Megacam        ---          f/5     "          SAO-13/SAO-4
6   "     S   -4.4   "/"                     ---               "              ---          "       "          "/"
7   "     S   -3.5   "/"                     ---               "              ---          "       "          "/"
8  (10.7) M   -2.5   "/"                     ---               "              ---          "       "          "/"
9   "     T   -1.6   Willmer                 ---               "              ---          "       Alegria    UAO-S10
10  "     W   -0.6   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
11  "     Th   0.3   M&E/Meibom              Meibom            Hectochelle    Berlind      "       "          M&E/SAO-12
12 (10.8) F    1.3   Majewski                Humphreys         Hectospec      "            "       "          PA-07B-0412
13  "     S    2.2   "                       "                 "              "            "       "          "
14  "     S    3.2   "                       Gilbert,Beaton    "              "            "       "          "
15 (10.9) M    4.1   Humphreys               "                 "              Calkins      "       "          UAO-G25
16  "     T    5.1   "                       Bai               "              "            "       McAfee     "
17  "     W    6.0   Massey                  Massey            "              "            "       "          UAO-S5
18  "     Th   7.0   "                       "                 "              "            "       "          "
19 (11.0) F    7.9   Massey/Stanghellini   Massey/Stanghellini "              Berlind      "       "          UAO-S5/PA-07B-0322
20  "     S    8.9   Currie                  Balog             "              "            "       "          SAO-11
21  "     S    9.8   "                       "                 "              "            "       "          "
22 (11.1) M   10.8   "                       "                 "              "            "       Milone     "
23  "     T   11.7   Latham(1/3)/Furesz      Tobin             Hectochelle    Calkins      "       "          SAO-25/SAO-7
24  "     W   12.7   "/"                     "                 "              "            "       "          "/"
25  "     Th  13.6   Furesz                  "                 "              "            "       "          SAO-7
26 (11.2) F  -13.4   Furesz/Muzerolle        "                 "              "            "       "          SAO-7/UAO-S4
27  "     S  -12.5   Allen                   Allen             "              Berlind      "       "          SAO-5
28  "     S  -11.6   "                       "                 "              "            "       "          "
29  "     M  -10.6   Currie                  ---               SWIRC          ---          "       "          SAO-9
30 (11.3) T   -9.7   "                       ---               "              ---          "       Alegria    "
31  "     W   -8.7   Willner                 ---               "              ---          "       "          SAO-19
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: The MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of November 2007 (as of 12 October 2007)

August 2007 September October November December January 2008 PDF Programs Schedules Schedules@MMT
Date*    Day  Moon   Observer                   f/5_Queue Obs     Instrument     f/5_Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program
1  (11.3) Th  -7.8   Ashby/Foster            ---               Megacam        ---          f/5     Alegria    SAO-13/SAO-24
2  (11.4) F   -6.8   "/"                     ---               "              ---          "       "          "/"
3   "     S   -5.9   Ashby/Holman            ---               "              ---          "       "          SAO-13/SAO-4
4   "     S   -4.9   Holman                  ---               "              ---          "       "          SAO-4
5   "     M   -4.0   Trilling                ---               "              ---          "       "          UAO-S19
6   "     T   -3.0   "                       ---               "              ---          "       McAfee     "
7  (11.5) W   -2.1   Rines                   Caldwell          Hectospec      Berlind      "       "          SAO-2
8   "     Th  -1.1   "                       "                 "              "            "       "          "
9   "     F   -0.2   "                       O'Sullivan        "              "            "       "          "
10  "     S    0.8   "                       "                 "              Calkins      "       "          "
11 (11.6) S    1.7   Caldwell                Nantais           "              "            "       "          SAO-3
12  "     M    2.7   Nantais                 Rines             "              "            "       "          SAO-17
13  "     T    3.6   Meszaros/Meibom         "                 Hectochelle    "            "       Milone     SAO-23/SAO-12
14  "     W    4.6   Sand,Zaritsky           "                 Hectospec      Berlind      "       "          UAO-S9
15  "     Th   5.5   M&E/Bai                 "                 "              "            "       "          M&E/UAO-S12
16 (11.7) F    6.5   O'Sullivan              Sand              "              "            "       "          SAO-20
17  "     S    7.4   Allen                   Allen/Koenig      "              "            "       "          SAO-6
18  "     S    8.4   "                       "/"               "              Calkins      "       "          "
19  "     M    9.3   Koenig                  "/"               "              "            "       "          SAO-10
20 (11.8) T   10.3   M&E                     "/"               "              "            "       Alegria    M&E
21  "     W   11.2   Allen                   "/"               Hectochelle    "            "       "          SAO-5
22  "     Th  12.2   Meszaros/Jacobson       Jacobson          "              Berlind      "       "          SAO-23/PA-07B-0114
23  "     F   13.1   Jacobson                "                 "              "            "       "          PA-07B-0114
24  "     S  -13.9   Stassun                 Stassun           "              "            "       "          PA-07B-0248
25  "     S  -13.0   "                       "                 "              "            "       "          "
26  "     M  -12.1   Bechtold                ---               MAESTRO        ---          "       "          UAO-E24
27  "     T  -11.1   "                       ---               "              ---          "       McAfee     "
28 (11.9) W  -10.2   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
29  "     Th  -9.2   "                       ---               "              ---          "       "          "
30  "     F   -8.3   Jiang,Fan               ---               Red Channel    ---          f/9     "          UAO-S8
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.

Preliminary: The MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.

MMT schedule for the Month of December 2007 (as of 12 October 2007)

August 2007 September October November December January 2008 PDF Programs Schedules Schedules@MMT
Date*   Day  Moon   Observer                f/5 Queue Obs      Instrument     f/5 Asst     2ndry   Operator   Program
1  (11.9) S   -7.3   Jiang,Fan              ---                Red Channel    ---          f/9     McAfee     UAO-S8
2   "     S   -6.4   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
3   "     M   -5.4   Tremonti               ---                Blue Channel   ---          "       "          UAO-S16
4   "     T   -4.5   Trilling et al.        ---                Megacam        ---          f/5     Milone     UAO-S19
5   "     W   -3.5   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
6   "     Th  -2.6   Holman/Rines(1/3)      ---                "              ---          "       "          SAO-4/SAO-16
7  (12.0) F   -1.6   Brown                  ---                Blue Channel   ---          f/9     "          SAO-14
8   "     S   -0.7   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          SAO-1
9   "     S    0.3   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
10  "     M    1.2   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
11  "     T    2.2   "                      ---                "              ---          "       Alegria    "
12  "     W    3.1   Kirshner               ---                "              ---          "       "          SAO-15
13  "     Th   4.1   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
14  "     F    5.0   Falco                  ---                "              ---          "       "          SAO-22
15  "     S    6.0   Williams               ---                Red Channel    ---          "       "          UAO-L20
16  "     S    6.9   Liebert,Dufour         ---                Blue Channel   ---          "       "          UAO-S6
17  "     M    7.9   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
18  "     T    8.8   M&E                    ---                ---            ---          f/15    McAfee     M&E
19  "     W    9.8   Sivanandam             ---                LAIRS          ---          "       "          UAO-E23
20  "     Th  10.7   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
21  "     F   11.7   Kulesa,McCarthy        ---                ARIES          ---          "       "          UAO-S14
22  "     S   12.6   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
23  "     S   13.5   Kenworthy/Kulesa       ---                "              ---          "       "          UAO-S17/UAO-S14
24  "     M  -13.5   Closed                 ---                ---            ---          "       ---        ---
25  "     T  -12.6   Kenworthy              ---                CLIO           ---          "       Milone     UAO-S17
26  "     W  -11.6   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
27  "     Th -10.7   Stock                  ---                BLINC/MIRAC    ---          "       "          UAO-S13
28  "     F   -9.7   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
29  "     S   -8.8   Skemer                 ---                MIRAC          ---          "       "          UAO-S18
30  "     S   -7.8   "                      ---                "              ---          "       "          "
31  "     M   -6.9   Kulkarni               ---                Blue Channel   ---          f/9     "          PA-07B-0538
* Numbers in parentheses are the number of hours for which the sun is greater than 12 degrees below the horizon.
Preliminary: The MMT schedule may be subject to further changes.