XCSAO Image Header Entries
XCSAO saves its results in the IRAF spectrum file header if the
save_vel parameter is yes.
For IRAF multispec files, there is one velocity entry per spectrum for
each type of velocity and one entry per emission line found in the
VELOCITY= 14395.9542084403
CZERR = 16.9255212706257
VELQUAL = '_ '
BCV = 25.2977199554443
The final radial velocity for the first spectrum in km/sec and its error in
km/sec, an interactively-set quality flag (_=none, y=OK, x=bad,
?=questionable), and the barycentric velocity correction which has been added
to the correlation shift velocity to get the value of VELOCITY.
If either XCSAO or EMSAO has been run, this is the same velocity with a
more realistic error. If both have been run, this velocity is either an
error-weighted combination, if both gave good results, or the same as
the best velocity.
CZXC = 14395.9542084403
CZXCERR = 7.84048916091347
CZXCR = 16.4074945116922
BESTTEMP= 'femtemp97'
CZPARAMS= '2 4096 1 5 20 125 250 0.05'
The velocity from the cross-correlation with the highest R-value, its
error and R-value, followed by the sequence number of the best template,
its name, the total number of templates, the number of points in the
Fourier transforms, 2 if zero-padded, else 1, the four values for
the cosine-bell filter used on the Fourier tranforms before they are
correlated, and the fraction of the spectrum which has been apodized.
XCTEMP1 = 'femtemp97 14395.954 7.840 16.4075 0.890 182.443 0.000 0.000 0 3'
XCTEMP2 = 'fabtemp97 14414.752 28.177 9.83179 0.579 400.654 0.000 0.000 1 0'
For each template, the template name, the correlation redshift velocity (cz),
the error in km/sec, the R-value, the height of the correlation peak
(1.0 is max), the width of the peak at half of its peak value in km/sec,
the template velocity in km/sec (includes template object velocity and
any corrections), the template heliocentric velocity correction in
km/sec, the line-removal flag, and the transform filter flag.
XCSAO = 'rvsao.xcsao 2.0b 05-Feb-1998 09:46 CZXC = 14395.95 R = 16.41'
The XCSAO history is entered once per XCSAO run, with the XCSAO version
the date, the local time, the barycentric-corrected cross-correlation
velocity, and the R-value of the correlation. When XCSAO is run again, the
previous value of XCSAO, if any, is appended to the file as a HISTORY keyword.
Last updated 5 February 1998