4046.56 4040.0 4060.0 15.0 Hg 4358.34 4350.0 4370.0 15.0 Hg 5460.74 5450.0 5470.0 15.0 Hg 5577.35 5570.0 5580.0 15.0 OI 5769.60 5760.0 5780.0 15.0 Hg 5790.66 5780.0 5800.0 15.0 Hg 5890.40 5880.0 5900.0 15.0 Na 6300.23 6290.0 6310.0 15.0 OI 6363.88 6355.0 6375.0 15.0 OIColumn 1 is the center wavelength for the line.
Column 2 is the lower wavelength limit above which the line should be found.
Column 3 us the upper wavelength limit below which the line should be found.
Column 4 has a relative height; when they're all the same this has no effect.
Column 5 gives the element which is emitting.
[emsao] [emsao example 2]