This SAOimage display shows the alignment of 2MASS Point Sources with a test image with a world coordinate system. immatch can be run to list matches between 2MASS Point Sources and sources found in the image. The command used was
saotmc test.ftswhere saotmc is
saoimage -reg `imtmc -r 10 $1` -wcscom stmc_-ha_%s $*Clicking the w key on the star closest to the center returns the following:
stmc 2.9.4, 19 June 2001, Doug Mink SAO Find closest star tmc 09:55:25.662 +69:01:39.36 J2000 r= 180.00 at epoch 2000.00 2MASS num. RA2000 Dec2000 MagJ MagH MagK Arcsec 17.1725175 09:55:25.428 +69:01:38.16 15.462 14.724 14.547 1.74