| Name of FITS image file. This must be present.
-a rotation angle
| WCS rotation angle in degrees. (default 0)
-b RA Dec
| Center right ascension and declination in degrees or
sexigesimal in B1950 (FK4). Sexigesimal coordinates are
hours:minutes:seconds degrees:minutes:seconds.
(default RA, DEC, and EPOCH keywords in
the image header).
| set CDELTn, CROTAn instead of CD matrix
-g Longitude Latitude
| Center galactic longitude and latitude in degrees.
-i filename[+num]
| The data section of the FITS image is filled from the file specified
by filename. If +num is appended to the filename, num
bytes are skipped before the data is entered into the FITS file.
(Added in 2.8.3)
-j RA Dec
| Center right ascension and declination in degrees or
sexigesimal in J2000 (FK5). Sexigesimal coordinates are
hours:minutes:seconds degrees:minutes:seconds.
(default RA, DEC, and EPOCH keywords in
the image header).
-o bits/pixel
| Append a blank (zero) image to the FITS header containing data of
the type indicated: 8=8-bit integer, 16=16-bit integer, 32=32-bit integer,
-16=16-bit unsigned integer, -32=32-bit IEEE floating point number, and
-64=64-bit IEEE floating point number, and 0=no data. The default is
to set BITPIX = 0 and include no image, which will not work with
all FITS readers. It is provided so that WCS fits may be done using
imwcs on lists of image star coordinates without
needing to access the original image, which may, for example, be a
measured photographic plate.
-p plate scale [y_plate_scale]
| Plate scale in arcseconds per pixel. If a second number follows, the
first is assumed to be the horizontal scale and the second, the vertical
scale. This argument is used to set up a WCS for
matching image and reference stars and as an initial value for the fit.
(default SECPIX or SECPIX1 and SECPIX2 keywords
in the image header).
(default 0)
-s x dimension y dimension
| Dimensions of image in pixels. Image data is added to file only if
the -o argument is used to set BITPIX to a nonzero value.
| print more information about process
-x Xref Yref
| Pixel coordinates of the reference pixel used in the WCS projection