SCAT in the Virtual Observatory

scat can be used as a filter in a CGI script as well as running as a CGI program itself. In this case, it helps search and serve a catalog of spectra and redshifts from the Smithsonian's Z-Machine reticon spectrograph which was run on our 60-inch telescope on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona from 1978 through 1993. Output from scat is run through an awk script which adds the links to CGI scripts using the ID number found by scat. The links call a Fortran program to plot a spectrum, a C program to list information about the spectrum, and IRAF SPP programs, through CL shell scripts, to return FITS or ASCII pixel list files. The entire process is managed by a Perl script.

Z-Machine Search Web Page

ADASS 2001 WCSTools 3.0 paper