
GSC II Star Catalog Search Program

Catalog Search Program
WCSTools programs
sgsc2 is a utility for finding objects in the GSC II Star Catalog located in a specified region of the sky and listing their positions. It is a symbolic link to scat, and is equivalent to running scat -c gsc2 ....

By default, only the brightest 100 objects (or closest 100, if the -s p or -s p option is used) are returned. Use the -n option to increase this number.

Output is to standard out, unless the -w flag is set, in which case it goes to objectname.gsc2 or search.gsc2.

The search is always done over the World Wide Web to the URL which is set in the file libwcs/gsc2read.c.
(This program is new in WCSTools 2.9.4)

Command Line Arguments


Search with results to standard output
Search with results to a file
Find closest star
Find stars by number
Match stars in input catalog

Last updated 30 July 2002 by Doug Mink dmink@cfa.harvard.edu

Telescope Data Center