sgsca Examples

Example 1. Search with results to standard output

Find the 10 brightest GSC-ACT Stars in a 1-degree square box centered on 10:00:00 +30:00:00 J2000 and sort them by right ascension.
sgsca -s r -hn 10 -r -1800 10:00:00 +30:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
sgsca WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
  GSC-ACT 10:00:00.000 +30:00:00.00 J2000 +- +00:34:38.5 +00:30:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
10 / 234 HST Guide Stars/ACT (Mag brighter than 10.04)
GSC_number  RA2000       Dec2000      Mag  Class Band N  Arcsec
1967.0300 09:58:19.171 +29:55:34.97   9.19    0    1  1  1336.82
1967.1296 09:58:29.801 +29:32:04.16   7.91    0    1  1  2046.40
2502.0814 09:59:07.154 +30:25:19.52   8.05    0    1  1  1666.79
2502.0896 09:59:15.312 +30:15:24.77  10.04    0    1  1  1091.48
1967.0363 09:59:15.782 +29:52:47.28   9.04    0    1  1   719.43
2502.0999 09:59:19.934 +30:00:27.97   9.75    0    1  1   521.20
1967.1429 09:59:36.209 +29:38:42.68   5.69    0    4  1  1314.30
1967.0408 10:00:51.324 +29:41:03.66   9.48    3    1  1  1318.03
2503.1384 10:00:52.435 +30:12:17.17   9.57    0    1  1  1003.21
2503.1460 10:01:49.214 +30:00:35.46   9.94    0    1  1  1419.11

Example 2. Search with results to a file

Find all GSC-ACT Stars within 5 arcminutes of M51 and write results to a file
sgsca -wtr 300 -o m51 -b 13:27:48.311 +47:27:28.98
produces the following in the file m51.gscact:
catalog	GSC-ACT
ra	13:25:41.574
dec	+47:43:00.03
equinox	1950.0
epoch	1950.0
radsec	300.00
catsort	mag1
program	sgsca 3.3.1, 10 March 2003, Doug Mink SAO
gsc_id   	ra1950      	dec1950  	mag	class	band	N	arcsec
---------	------------	------------	-----	-----	----	-	------
3460.0655	13:25:50.021	+47:47:25.41	11.91	0	1	1	278.72
3460.0079	13:25:26.986	+47:45:48.00	12.72	0	1	1	223.31
3460.0171	13:25:17.051	+47:43:57.24	14.12	0	1	1	253.97
3460.0928	13:25:25.839	+47:44:30.88	15.09	0	1	1	182.91

Example 3. Find closest star

Find the closest GSC-ACT star to 10:00:00 +10:00:00 J2000.
Set a large search radius because the default is 15 arcseconds.
sgsca -ahr 1800 10:00:00 +10:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
sgsca WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO  Find closest star
  GSC-ACT 10:00:00.000 +10:00:00.00 J2000 r= +00:30:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
GSC_number  RA2000       Dec2000      Mag  Class Band N  Arcsec
0829.0269 10:00:03.991 +09:59:00.96  14.29    0    1  1    83.44

Example 4. List selected stars from catalog

List GSC-ACT stars 1000.0001 through 1000.0010
sgsca -h 1000.0001-1000.0010x0.0001
produces the following:
sgsca WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
GSC_number  RA2000       Dec2000      Mag  Class Band N
1000.0001 17:30:55.239 +11:55:53.64  14.29    0    1  2
1000.0002 17:30:41.505 +11:34:39.76  14.03    0    1  2
1000.0003 17:37:01.085 +12:22:28.60  12.80    0    1  1
1000.0004 17:34:26.006 +11:27:46.37  14.04    0    1  1
1000.0005 17:35:57.670 +11:54:13.32  13.80    0    1  1
1000.0006 17:30:20.237 +11:19:21.58  12.83    0    1  2
1000.0007 17:35:35.748 +12:00:56.05  14.51    0    1  1
1000.0008 17:35:55.481 +11:24:46.19  12.77    0    1  1
1000.0009 17:34:01.058 +12:30:45.50   6.72    0    1  1
1000.0010 17:33:39.077 +11:16:06.31  14.60    0    1  1

Example 5. Match stars in input catalog

Match the stars in the input catalog to the GSC-ACT Star Catalog and list them one match per line.
sgsca -jl
produces the following:
240020 22:15:54.522 -11:36:54.93  9.80 1950.0420  __  5806.0696 22:15:54.547 -11:36:55.84 10.70 53    0.37   -0.90    0.97
267313 17:47:51.203 -22:58:16.83  9.10 1960.0209  A0  6828.0353 17:47:51.186 -22:58:17.02  8.87 58   -0.24   -0.20    0.31
196784 13:42:07.184 -09:06:39.56  8.60 1970.0605  K0  5546.1408 13:42:07.181 -09:06:39.96  8.96 37   -0.05   -0.40    0.40
127373 10:24:43.535 +11:21:21.55 10.20 1980.0309  K0  0841.1205 10:24:43.512 +11:21:21.60  8.87 42   -0.34    0.05    0.34
095438 06:07:46.800 +23:28:44.80 10.30 1990.0319  K0  1864.0762 06:07:46.858 +23:28:45.41  9.06 118    0.79    0.61    0.99
where the columns are input catalog star name, RA, Dec, magnitude, spectral type, Guide Star region.number, RA, Dec, magnitude, number of stars in the 900-arcsec-radius default search radius, and catalog-search dRA, dDec, and dr (in arcseconds).

Last updated 6 July 2007 by Doug Mink Telescope Data Center [WCSTools] [WCSTools programs] [scat] [sgsca] [sgsc] [sgsc examples]