Use imua1 to File the USNO-A1.0 Catalog Stars in an Image

Find the USNO A-1.0 Catalog stars in image test.fts and write them to a file orted by right ascension.
imua1 -ws test.fts
produces the following in the file test.fts.ua1:
IMAGE	test.fts
EQUINOX	2000.0
PROGRAM	imua1 2.5, 20 November 1998, Doug Mink, SAO
ua1_id    	ra      	dec           	magb  	magr  	x    	y    	plate	dist
----------	--------	---------	----	-----	-----	-----	-----	----
1575.03069012	09:55:02.246	+68:56:23.53	0.0	8.5	624.3	75.3	0	319.24
1575.03069016	09:55:02.397	+68:56:24.33	9.4	8.5	623.1	76.5	38	318.27
1575.03070049	09:55:34.811	+69:07:33.10	18.5	8.6	374.6	1018.6	38	372.77
1575.03069022	09:55:02.582	+68:56:24.58	9.5	8.9	621.7	76.8	38	317.78
1575.03070453	09:55:47.277	+68:59:25.52	17.1	9.0	281.7	330.9	38	206.80
. . .

1575.03067648	09:54:16.428	+69:02:34.65	19.6	18.7	968.5	600.8	38	330.65
1575.03068653	09:54:50.201	+69:06:55.18	19.2	18.7	711.0	966.4	38	352.78
1575.03068439	09:54:42.579	+68:58:12.44	20.6	18.8	772.9	229.7	38	272.57
1575.03071067	09:56:07.791	+68:58:29.24	20.3	18.8	126.1	251.4	38	329.24
1575.03071317	09:56:16.152	+69:06:51.78	19.7	18.8	63.0	960.0	38	449.86

Last updated 11 December 1998 by Doug Mink

Telescope Data Center [WCSTools] [WCSTools programs] [imcat] [imua1]