ssky2k Examples

Example 1. Search with results to standard output

Find the 10 brightest SKY2000 Catalog Stars in 1-degree square box centered on 10:00:00 +30:00:00 J2000 and sort them by magnitude.
ssky2k -hn 10 -r -1800 10:00:00 +30:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
ssky2k WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
SKY2000 10:00:00.000 +30:00:00.00 J2000 +- +00:34:38.5 +00:30:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
SKY_id     RA2000       Dec2000      MagB   MagV  MagPh  MagPv Type  Arcsec
0959101 09:59:36.214 +29:38:42.84    6.80   5.75   5.70   5.90  K0  1314.14
0958090 09:58:29.830 +29:32:03.97    9.01   8.02   9.00   8.20  K0  2046.34
0959022 09:59:07.129 +30:25:18.96    9.54   8.24   9.30   8.10  K0  1666.41
0958058 09:58:19.171 +29:55:34.90   10.09   9.23  10.00   8.50  G5  1336.84
0959063 09:59:19.889 +30:00:27.48   10.37   9.88  10.10   8.90  F8   521.76
0959048 09:59:15.758 +29:52:46.97   10.46   9.21  10.20   8.80  K0   719.88
1000127 10:00:52.274 +30:12:16.52   10.53   9.64  10.40   8.90  K0  1001.31
0959046 09:59:15.281 +30:15:24.19   10.61  10.09  10.40   8.80  F5  1091.20
0958187 09:58:33.628 +30:17:11.58   11.47  10.43  11.30   9.30  K0  1522.96

Example 2. Search with results to a file

Find all SKY2000 Catalog stars within 40 arcminutes of M51 and write the results, sorted by right ascension, to a Starbase file
ssky2k -jwtr 2400 -s r -o m51 13:27:48.311 +47:27:28.98 B1950
produces the following in the file m51.sky2k:
catalog SKY2000
ra      13:29:54.687
dec     +47:12:01.58
radecsys        fk5
equinox 2000.0000
epoch   2000.0000
rpmunit mas/year
dpmunit mas/year
radsec  2400.00
catsort ra
program ssky2k WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
sky_id  ra              dec             magb    magv    magph   magpv   type   pmra     pmdec   arcsec
------- ------------    ------------    -----   -----   -----   -----   ----   ------   ------  ------
1326078 13:26:36.732    +47:25:22.68    10.22   9.62    10.00   8.80    F8       20.7    -36.7  2166.76
1327049 13:27:17.842    +46:49:14.48    9.79    9.15    9.70    8.60    F8      -65.5     37.0  2107.70
1327104 13:27:45.865    +47:45:30.48    10.28   9.18    10.10   8.20    K0        9.8    -35.9  2396.08
1329005 13:29:01.514    +47:50:50.28    7.46    7.06    7.30    7.10    F5      -42.1     10.4  2390.17
1331005 13:31:01.750    +47:42:29.88    10.18   9.61    10.00   8.80    F8      -26.5    -10.0  1950.73
1331135 13:31:56.347    +47:14:04.00    7.29    7.08    7.00    6.90    A5       33.2      1.0  1245.53

Example 3. Find the closest star

Find the closest SKY2000 Catalog Star to 10:00:00 +10:00:00 B1950.
ssky2k -ahr 3600 10:00:00 +10:00:00 B1950
produces the following:
ssky2k WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO  Find closest star
SKY2000 10:00:00.000 +10:00:00.00 B1950 r= +01:00:00.0 at epoch 1950.0000
SKY_id    RA1950      Dec1950       MagB   MagV  MagPh  MagPv Type  Arcsec
1002147 10:00:10.486 +10:09:31.17   11.12  10.02  10.50   0.00  K0   591.79

Example 4. List selected stars from catalog

List SKY2000 Catalog stars 100001 through 100010
ssky2k -h 100001.-100010. (Note use of decimal points)
produces the following:
ssky2k WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
SKY_id     RA2000       Dec2000      MagB   MagV  MagPh  MagPv Type
0100001 00:59:59.691 +48:01:11.85    7.03   7.15   7.00   7.00  B8
0100002 01:00:00.369 +48:09:34.08   10.46   9.47  10.50   0.00  G5
0100003 00:59:59.917 -51:20:35.77   10.13   9.31  10.40   9.20  K0
0100004 00:00:00.000 +00:00:00.00   10.52   9.51  10.00   9.10    
0100005 01:00:02.846 +00:22:49.60    9.14   8.75   9.20   8.90  K0
0100006 01:00:02.654 +43:50:27.41    9.86   8.66   9.80   8.50  F5
0100007 01:00:02.655 +53:04:49.42   11.37  10.99  10.80   0.00  K0
0100008 01:00:03.360 +03:51:57.57    7.84   7.37   0.00   7.20  F2
0100009 01:00:03.689 -02:01:08.50    8.06   7.09   7.70   7.20  F5
List the 100001st through 100010th SKY2000 Catalog stars
ssky2k -h 100001-100010 (Note lack of decimal points)
produces the following:
ssky2k WCSTools 3.6.9, 5 July 2007, Doug Mink SAO
SKY_id     RA2000       Dec2000      MagB   MagV  MagPh  MagPv Type
0806144 08:06:37.672 -22:22:11.66    9.31   9.31   8.90   9.20  A2
0806145 08:06:40.121 +73:33:59.52    8.95   8.76   8.70   9.20  A3
0806146 08:06:39.466 -43:25:14.38   10.06   9.15   9.60   9.20  G5
0806147 08:06:38.288 -43:35:57.73    8.61   8.66   8.20   9.00  B9
0806148 08:06:38.377 -05:38:11.64   10.00   9.50   0.00   9.00  G0
0806149 08:06:38.558 +01:55:46.48    9.15   8.70   8.60   8.40  F5
0806150 08:06:39.266 +16:18:25.21    0.00  10.14  10.70   0.00  F5
0806151 08:06:39.216 -17:17:50.05    8.51   7.74   0.00   8.00  G5
0806152 08:06:39.799 +06:31:43.39   10.65   9.61  10.40   8.70  K0
0806153 08:06:39.951 +32:09:55.14    9.41   9.00   9.40   9.10  F8

Example 5. Match stars in input catalog

Match the stars in the input catalog to the SKY2000 Catalog and list them one match per line.
ssky2k -l
produces the following:
240020 22:15:54.555 -11:36:56.13  9.80  __  2216088 22:16:28.472 -11:39:57.12 10.22  9.24  0.00  9.30 K0   -22.0  -24.6 29   498.29  -180.99   530.14
267313 17:47:51.210 -22:58:17.35  9.10  A0  1747167 17:47:51.194 -22:58:17.27  9.14  8.82  8.40  9.20 A0    -1.2  -11.2 53    -0.22     0.08     0.24
196784 13:42:07.204 -09:06:40.06  8.60  K0  1342021 13:42:07.203 -09:06:40.06  9.40  8.50  0.00  8.30 K0    12.0  -13.0 34    -0.02    -0.00     0.02
127373 10:24:43.528 +11:21:21.15 10.20  K0  1024106 10:24:43.507 +11:21:21.52 10.57  9.41 10.20  8.90 K0    -7.5   -8.5 31    -0.31     0.37     0.48
095438 06:07:46.792 +23:28:44.76 10.30  K0  0607182 06:07:46.841 +23:28:44.96 10.19  9.28 10.40  9.00 K0    -2.1   -1.8 99     0.67     0.20     0.70
where the columns are input catalog star name, RA, Dec, magnitude, spectral type, SKY2000 number, RA, Dec, 4 magnitudes, proper motion, spectral type, number of stars in the 5000-arcsec-radius default search radius, and catalog - search dra, ddec, and dr (in arcseconds).

Telescope Data Center

Last updated 6 July 2007 by Doug Mink

WCSTools WCSTools programs [scat] [sky2k]