WCSTools programs


1. Find total flux in one row of an image

$ sumpix test.fit 0 1

2. Find total flux in one row of an image in verbose mode

$ sumpix -v test.fit 0 1
SUMPIX WCSTools 3.9.0, 10 January 2014, Jessica Mink SAO
Sum rows 1 in FITS image file test.fit

3. Find total flux in a patch of an image

$ sumpix test.fit 21-25 21-25

4. Find total flux in a patch of an image in verbose mode

$ sumpix -v test.fit 21-25 21-25
SUMPIX WCSTools 3.9.0, 10 January 2014, Jessica Mink SAO
Sum rows 21-25, columns 21-25 in FITS image file test.fit
test.fit[20,20] = 627.000000
test.fit[21,20] = 673.000000
test.fit[22,20] = 662.000000
test.fit[23,20] = 683.000000
test.fit[24,20] = 667.000000
test.fit[20,21] = 641.000000
test.fit[21,21] = 653.000000
test.fit[22,21] = 663.000000
test.fit[23,21] = 633.000000
test.fit[24,21] = 653.000000
test.fit[20,22] = 617.000000
test.fit[21,22] = 642.000000
test.fit[22,22] = 670.000000
test.fit[23,22] = 667.000000
test.fit[24,22] = 671.000000
test.fit[20,23] = 690.000000
test.fit[21,23] = 620.000000
test.fit[22,23] = 620.000000
test.fit[23,23] = 622.000000
test.fit[24,23] = 660.000000
test.fit[20,24] = 628.000000
test.fit[21,24] = 663.000000
test.fit[22,24] = 664.000000
test.fit[23,24] = 661.000000
test.fit[24,24] = 699.000000

Last updated 19 May 2014 by Jessica Mink

SAO TDC [getpix commands]