Then download the the source code into that directory via HTTP from
% cd /data/IRAF/iraf.pkg % cd .. % zcat /data/IRAF/Tar/rvsao.tar.gz | tar xvf -The archive file can be deleted once the package has been successfully installed. Note that the directory name will include the version, so that any previously installed versions of RVSAO will not be overwritten. We symbolically link the version directory to a generic directory:
% ln -s rvsao-2.8.4 rvsao
% gzcat /data/IRAF/Tar/rvsao-2.8.4-bin.redhat.tar.gz | tar xvf -
% cd $hlibDefine the IRAF environment variable rvsao to be the pathname to the rvsao root directory. The '$' character must be escaped in the VMS pathname; UNIX pathnames must be terminated with a '/'. Edit extern.pkg to include:
reset rvsao = /data/IRAF/iraf.pkg/rvsao/ task rvsao.pkg = rvsao$rvsao.clNear the end of extern.pkg, update the definition of helpdb so that it includes the rvsao help database. Copying the syntax already used in the string, add this line before the line containing a closing quote:
rvsao - Radial velocity package from SAO
cl> cd rvsao
On a SPARCstation running Solaris,
cl> mkpkg ssunOn a DEC Alpha running Digital Unix,
cl> mkpkg alphaOn a PC running Redhat Linux,
cl> mkpkg redhatOn a PC running Cygwin,
cl> mkpkg cygwinOn an Intel Macintosh running OS X,
cl> mkpkg macintelOn a Power PC Macintosh running OS X,
cl> mkpkg macosx
cl> mkpkg update >& rvsao.spoolThe spool file should be reviewed upon completion to make sure there were no errors.
cl> rvsaoto load the package.
If you want to use your old parameter values for all of the tasks but add any new parameters with their default values, type:
cl> rvrelearnIndividual tasks can be relearned by typing
cl> relearn [task]Any new parameters will be installed while keeping your old values for the remaining ones. Repeat this procedure by running IRAF in each IRAF home directory you may have. The relearn task can be used for updating other tasks which have added parameters in new releases.