WCSTools programs

ssdss Examples

1. Search with results to standard output
2. Search with results to a file
3. Find closest star

Example 1. Search with results to standard output

Find the 10 brightest SDSS point sources in a 1/3-degree square centered on 12:00:00 +2:00:00 J2000 and sort them by right ascension.
ssdss -s r -hn 10 -r -600 12:00:00 +2:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
ssdss WCSTools 3.8.8, 22 February 2013, Jessica Mink SAO
              SDSS 12:00:00.000 +02:00:00.00 J2000 +- +00:10:00.4 +00:10:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
10 / 2552 SDSS Sources (Magu brighter than 15.38)
SDSS_number           RA2000       Dec2000     Magu   Magg   Magr   Magi   Magz  Type  Arcsec
587726014532026403 11:59:29.890 +01:53:27.73   14.15  13.17  12.90  13.47  12.49   6  598.02
587726014532026410 11:59:30.083 +01:56:33.10   14.00  13.78  13.51  10.85  11.28   6  493.91
587726014532026445 11:59:33.046 +01:57:11.46   15.14  13.80  13.36  13.61  13.05   6  437.80
587726032248504373 11:59:39.109 +02:06:00.00   15.38  14.07  13.65  13.86  13.47   6  477.15
587726014532026483 11:59:56.027 +01:58:19.76   12.92  13.88  10.64  10.53  10.94   3  116.60
587726032248569870 12:00:06.501 +02:08:12.00   15.14  14.06  14.64  13.51  13.41   6  501.56
587726032248569878 12:00:07.820 +02:06:39.15   14.45  14.34  14.11  11.54  12.94   3  416.01
587726014532091920 12:00:13.465 +01:57:34.89   14.73  13.45  14.63  12.41  13.15   6  248.60
587726014532091953 12:00:24.853 +01:52:17.67   15.38  14.15  14.00  13.22  12.71   3  593.77
587726014532091983 12:00:34.058 +01:59:26.46   14.08  12.43  11.90  11.83  12.63   6  511.66
Note that Type=3 indicates galaxies and Type=6 indicates stars

Example 2. Search with results to a file

Find all SDSS sources in a 1/3-degree circle and write results to a file
ssdss -twr 600 -o test 13:27:48.311 +1:27:28.98 B1950
produces the following in the file test.sdss:
catalog SDSS
ra      13:27:48.311
dec     +01:27:28.98
radecsys        fk4
equinox 1950.0000
epoch   1950.0000
radsec  600.00
catsort mag 
program ssdss WCSTools 3.9.0, 16 September 2013, Jessica Mink SAO
sdss_id                 ra1950          dec1950         magu    magg    magr    magi    magz    type    arcsec
------------------      ------------    ------------    -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   ----    ------
587726031184723987      13:27:56.432    +01:28:47.84    14.79   12.63   14.46   14.54   13.18    6      145.08
588848901533138990      13:27:17.801    +01:21:13.37    14.89   14.42   14.01   20.99   14.42    3      591.95
587726031184658473      13:27:16.843    +01:30:51.90    14.95   14.87   12.10   14.05   12.84    6      513.65
588848901533139055      13:27:44.230    +01:20:32.61    15.02   13.84   13.44   13.40   13.23    6      420.85
587726031184658524      13:27:34.934    +01:33:18.39    15.13   13.99   13.57   15.52   13.46    6      402.89
 . . .

588848901533204692      13:28:19.730    +01:23:33.62    20.01   18.60   18.13   17.80   17.61    3      526.65
587726031184658644      13:27:25.421    +01:33:49.88    20.02   18.82   18.34   18.00   17.75    3      512.73
587726031184724026      13:28:05.762    +01:31:01.41    20.02   18.48   17.38   16.84   16.51    3      337.05
588848901533139130      13:27:37.225    +01:26:11.91    20.14   18.58   18.00   17.76   17.64    6      183.23
587726031184658553      13:27:18.488    +01:31:12.22    20.15   19.93   19.44   19.21   18.81    3      499.82

Example 3. Find closest star

Find the closest SDSS source to 10:00:00 +1:00:00 J2000
ssdss -ha 10:00:00 +1:00:00 J2000
produces the following:
ssdss WCSTools 3.9.0, 16 September 2013, Jessica Mink SAO  Find closest star
              SDSS 10:00:00.000 +01:00:00.00 J2000 r= +00:02:00.0 at epoch 2000.0000
SDSS_number           RA2000       Dec2000     Magu   Magg   Magr   Magi   Magz  Type  Arcsec
587728950121268151 10:00:00.020 +00:59:46.57   26.97  23.06  22.05  23.56  20.55   8   13.43

WCSTools Telescope Data Center

Last updated 16 September 2013 by Jessica Mink

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