Catalog Search Program
scat is a utility in the
WCSTools package
for finding the objects from a specified catalog which are located in a
specified region of the sky.
By default, only the brightest 100 objects (or closest 100, if the -s p
option is used) are returned. Use the -n option to increase this
Catalogs which may be searched
include those specified below plus locally catalogued objects in the
simple ASCII, or
TDC binary format.
By default, the sky coordinates of the selected objects are written to
standard output. If the -w flag is set, they are written to a
file object_name.catalog_name, where object_name is given
by the argument to -o on the command line, defaulting to
search, and catalog_name is given by the argument to
-c on the command line.
The catalog defaults to the GSC, if no -c argument is present.
scat resembles my Fortran programs,
and star,
which can search from lists of coordinates but cannot sort the output.
- Specific catalogs which can be searched include:
As of version 2.9, scat can be used remotely as a CGI executable.
If you are at the Center for Astrophysics, a GUI front end using scat
is online here.