
scat Command Line Arguments

(sty2, sgsc, sgsca, sgsc2, stmc, sact, sua1, sua2,
sub1, susa1, susa2, ssdss, ssao, sbsc, sppm, ship, siras)
WCSTools programs
Use positions in an ASCII TDC space-delimited or Starbase tab-delimited catalog as search centers. Individual catalog entries may have different coordinate systems and epochs.

RA_or_longitude Dec_or_latitude system
Sky position of center for search. Right ascension (RA) may be in hours:minutes:seconds or fractional degrees. Declination (Dec) may be in degrees:minutes:seconds or fractional degrees. Galactic or ecliptic longitude and latitude are expected to be in fractional degrees. system may be J2000, FK5, B1950, FK4, ecliptic, or galactic. The year for an alternate equinox may be included with the system, so J1985 would be FK5 coordinates at the equinox of 1985.0. Fractions of years are allowed. To indicate the epoch of the coordinates, which increases accuracy of coordinate conversion between J2000 and B1950, use the -y command.

number or range
A list of numbers of specific catalog numbers to list may be separated by spaces or commas. Ranges of the format first-last[xstep] may be among those numbers. If last is omitted, but the - is included, ten stars, starting with first are listed. If step is omitted, it is assumed to be one. (ranges added in version 2.6)
List single closest catalog source to command line position

Output catalog positions in B1950 (FK4) coordinates no matter what system the catalog is in.

-c catalog name
Name of catalog to search ( ua2, ub1, tmc, gsc2, gsc, gsca, ty2, act, ujc, ppm, sao, iras, or local file name). Local catalogs may be in StarBase tab table, simple ASCII, TDC binary format Directories are specified in the source code which reads each catalog or with environment variables. Instead of using this argument, the program may be invoked, through a link or by renaming it, as sua2, sub1, stmc, sgsc2, ssdss, sgsc, sgsca, sty2, sact, sujc, sppm, ssao, or siras.

Output right ascension and delclination in fractional degrees instead of sexigesimal. Ecliptic and galactic coordinates are always output in fractional degrees.

Output catalog positions in ecliptic coordinates no matter what system the catalog is in. Ecliptic and galactic coordinates are always output in fractional degrees.

Output catalog positions in galactic coordinates no matter what system the catalog is in. Ecliptic and galactic coordinates are always output in fractional degrees.

Print column headings with ASCII space-delimited output.

Output catalog positions in J2000 (FK5) coordinates no matter what system the catalog is in.

-k keyword
Add this keyword to output from tab table search.

-m[x] [bright magnitude limit],faint magnitude limit
Only stars with their xth magnitude brighter than faint magnitude limit are listed. If the number x is omitted, the first magnitude in the catalog is checked. If bright magnitude limit is given, stars brighter than it are omitted, too. The default is to list the 100 (or the argument of -n) brightest stars within these limits, unless the output is sorted by distance using the -s p command line argument, in which case, that number of closest stars within the limiting distance set by -r are returned.

-n number
Print up to this number of brightest (or closest if -d is set) catalog stars. If the internal default of 100 is exceeded by the search, set this number high enough to include all of the stars which are found.
If you expect to find a very large number of sources, such as all of the stars from a large catalog (USNO-A*, USNO-SA*, 2MASS PSC, GSC II, GSC 1.x) in a several-degree field, set number to -1, and the results will be returned one source at a time in a Starbase tab-separated-table to standard output.
(n<0 option added in version 3.0)

-o name
Use this object name for output file or heading

Sort list of stars by distance from center instead of by brightness (Obsolete in version 2.9.4)

-q date
Use this date as the equinox of the output coordinates

-r arcseconds or arcsec_RA,arcsec_Dec
Radius of circle to search in arcseconds (default is 10). If negated, search box of this half-width instead of a circle. The radius may be given in degrees as dd:mm:ss.ss, Two dimensions of a rectangular search may be given as arcseconds or dd:m:ss.ss degrees. Before version 2.9.4, negative values were circles, positive, boxes. Before version 2.6.1, dimensions had to be given in arcseconds.

Sort option. The default is to sort by flux. If -s appears with no argument, the output list is sorted by right ascension. Here are the possible arguments, which must follow an intervening space:
-s r for increasing RA -s p for increasing distance from search center
-s d for increasing Dec -s m[n] for increasing magnitude n(if present)
-s n for no sort

The 100 (or the argument of -n) brightest stars are returned unless sorting by distance, in which case that number of closest stars within the limiting distance set by -r are returned.
(options added in version 2.9.4)

Use tab table (Starbase) output format for standard output. Metadata header information and column headings are always ouput.

-u plate number
Accept USNO A, SA, or J catalog sources on this plate number only. (scat, sua2, susa2, and sujc only)

Print more information about the catalog search process.
-vv causes more complete debugging information to be printed.
-vvv prints only the information returned from a web catalog search. (direct web listing added in WCSTools 3.0.4)

Write tab table output file search.catname or name.catname if -o has been used.

-x class
List only Guide Stars with this class (-1=all, 0=stars, 3=nonstars). (scat and sgsc only)

-y date
Use this date as the epoch of the output coordinates. If you expect B1950 and J2000 conversions to be reversible to better than 0.1 arcsecond, this must be included. To indicate a specific equinox, include the date as a fractional year in the coordinate system.

Append this result to file named object.catalog or search.catalog, if object is not set.

[scat] [sgsc] [sua1] [sua2] [susa1] [susa2] [sact] [sujc] [sppm] [ssao] [siras]

Telescope Data Center

Last updated 18 November 2004 by
Doug Mink dmink@cfa.harvard.edu