By default, only the brightest 100 objects (or closest 100, if the -s p option is used) are returned. Use the -n option to increase this number.
As of version 2.9.4, the bandpass and number of entries for a star are printed in addition to the object class. Type scat band to get a listing of the band codes and their meanings.
Output is to standard out, unless the -w flag is set, in which case it goes to objectname.gsc or search.gsc. It is somewhat similar to RGSC, which can search from lists of coordinates but cannot sort the output.
Set the environment variable GSC_NORTH to the directory containing the northern hemisphere CDROM and GSC_SOUTH to the directory containing the southern hemisphere CDROM. Set GSC_NORTH to a URL to read the GSC over the world wide web.
[ Search the HST Guide Star Catalog using this software]